What Food Can A Dog Eat? Answers To The Ultimate Question

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Most people think that dogs can eat all the food humans do. However, the exact answer to the “What food can a dog eat?” must include all the relevant details. While dogs can eat many of the foods consumed by humans, they still have different dietary requirements.

Dogs and humans may metabolize food in diverse ways. While some foods consumed by humans are safe for dogs, the same cannot be said for some other food varieties. Below is the list of common food items that your dog can eat in limited amounts. The article also has a list of foods that your dog should not eat at all. Keep these lists and food items in mind to ensure that you choose the food for your dog wisely and prevent any health condition in the dog.

Milk- What Food Can A Dog Eat

Most dogs may not tolerate lactose well. Excessive milk consumption may cause gas, loose stools, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea among other health conditions in dogs.

Green Tomatoes- What Food Can A Dog Eat

You should never feed your dog green tomatoes as they contain a toxic called “Tomatine”. This substance may be toxic for dogs while being safe for humans. Also, dogs should eat red tomatoes occasionally only.

Cheese- What Food Can A Dog Eat

Dogs can consume cheese in limited and moderate amounts safely. However excessive consumption of cheese may cause issues including diarrhea and stomach pain in dogs.

Salt- What Food Can A Dog Eat

Excessive intake of salt can cause water deprivation as well as poisoning in dogs. It may result in diarrhea, vomiting, and seizures, among other health conditions.

Human Food Items That Are Dangerous for the Dogs

Below is a list of common foods that are not safe for dogs. Your dog should not consume any of these foods ever.

Chocolate: Chocolates contain caffeine and theobromine. These stimulants cannot be metabolized by dogs and cause health conditions and toxicity in them.

Limited Intake Food

Some common foods that should be consumed by dogs only in limited amounts are listed below.

Cherries- What Food Can A Dog Eat

Dogs should not consume excessive amounts of cherries. It contains cyanide and can be poisonous for the dog when consumed in a large amount. Cherries are also a choking hazard for dogs.

Peanuts: Dogs can safely consume unsalted peanuts in smaller amounts. However excessive consumption of peanuts can result in a disease called pancreatitis in dogs.

Avocado: Avocados contain a substance called “Persin” which can be toxic and poisonous for dogs. Persin may cause accumulation of fluids in the chest and lungs of the dogs and even sudden death.

Tea and Coffee: Caffeine consumption can cause vomiting, hyperactivity, elevated heart rate, diarrhea, and seizures in dogs due to the stimulation.

Garlic: The thiosulfate contained in garlic is toxic to dogs. It can damage the red blood cells of dogs and result in anemia.

Nutmeg: Dogs should not consume nutmeg as the food contains a substance called “Myristicin”. It can cause an abnormal increase in heart rate, disorientation, increase in blood pressure, seizures, and stomach pain in dogs


When you are looking for an answer to the question “What food can a dog eat?”, you should also try to know the foods that your dog cannot eat. It will help you make healthier and safe food choices for your dog. While many of the food items consumed by humans are healthy and safe for dogs, others can be harmful and can even cause fatality. It is always better to introduce a new food item to the diet of the dog gradually.

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