Beginner Gym Workout Female: 8 Best Beginner Gym Workout for Females

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If you’re a beginner gym workout female, the thought of going to the free weights section or trying a new machine is terrifying. But don’t worry because we’ve got you covered! In this post, we’ll show you a few basic exercises that will build your strength and give you some confidence in the weight room.

If you’re a woman, you should be excited to go to the gym! Women tend to be strong. Thus, there’s no reason that you shouldn’t be able to lift just as much as your male counterparts. While women have the possibility of having small muscle groups, they can still pull cars or move heavy objects, so you need not fear your strength. We’ll give you a few friendly beginner gym workout female exercises that will help start off your weight-lifting journey. Tag along

8 Simple Beginner Gym Workout Female Exercises

1. Seated Leg Press (10 reps x 3 sets)

The seated leg press is a great exercise for overall strength and the hamstrings. It works the entire leg, from your calves to your thighs, ensuring that you work the whole area. The accuracy of this movement makes it a good way to start out.

Sit in the seat with your back straight and feet positioned flat underneath your knees. You may need to adjust.
Then, push the weight forward by extending your legs so that you’re completely straightened. Start with 1/4 of the weight you can lift and work up to 1/2. This will make your legs strong and also give you flexibility if you ever need it.

2. Seated Shoulder Press (10 reps x 3 sets)- Beginner Gym Workout Female

The seated shoulder press is a great beginner gym workout female exercise for the shoulders. It works the entire shoulder, from the bottom of your arm to the top of your biceps. The weight will be safely lowered onto both arms so you can stop at any point and start again if needed.

Start by sitting on a bench with both arms extended in front of you. This will put you in a good position to get started but not make it uncomfortable. (You may want to adjust your position around an exercise ball.

You’re going to lift the weight with both arms, bringing it up and in front of your face. This will be a large range of motion, so try to move slowly and smoothly.

3. Close Grip Lat Pulldown (10 reps x 3 sets)

The close grip late pulldown is another great exercise to work the shoulder. You have to pull down with the rope, so it will be hard. It’s a lot of weight, but you can start small and build up as you go.

Grab the bar with an overhand grip and lean back into it. This beginner gym workout female exercise will give your shoulders room to contract and create a good position for you to start with.

Pull the weight up into your chest until your arms are straight. This will give a lot of exercises to your back, but it also works the shoulders. Pause at the top, and then return the weight down until your arms are completely straight.

4. Bodyweight Lunges (10 reps x 3 sets)

The bodyweight lunges are a good beginner gym workout female exercise for the lower leg, especially the glutes. The gluteus muscles are at the bottom of your butt and give you much control when you’re sitting or standing. Lunges work all that muscle so that you can sit better, stand better, and move faster.

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then use your leg muscles to lift yourself until you’re in a deep lunge position. You should be leaning into the side so that your knee will go down on that side. Then return to the starting position. Every time you do this, you’ll feel it in your glutes and quads.

5. Reverse Flyes (10 reps x 3 sets)- Beginner Gym Workout Female

The reverse flyes work all of the muscles that are on the front of your shoulders and upper back. Your shoulder muscles are very strong, but with all of the arm movements, it’s hard to isolate them and work them individually. With reverse flyes, you’ll work those muscles together.

Start by lying on a bench with a stable pad under your hips. Hold weights in each hand and lift them straight up over your shoulder. With control, slowly bring your hands back down to the starting position and repeat for 10 reps. Increase the weight after one set.

6. Full/Kneeling Press Ups (10 reps x 3 sets)

Full press-ups are one of the best exercises you can do, but they’re also one of the hardest. If you’re on a beginner gym workout female plan, you can start with kneeling press-ups. However, it’s something that everyone should be able to do and will help build upper and lower body strength if you can complete a full set without stopping.

Start by positioning your hands, so they are slightly wider than your shoulders when your arms are extended with your body straight. Then bring your body down as far as you can without stopping. To help you get there, you can put one hand on a dumbbell and push down with that. This will make it more difficult. When your hands are in your chest, place them back up on the ground and return to starting position.

7. Plank (30 secs x 3)- Beginner Gym Workout Female

The plank is an exercise that works every muscle in your body. You’ll be working your abs, back, and upper legs – all at the same time. It’s a hard beginner gym workout female exercise to hold for a long time, but it will give you great results if you can do it.

Start lying on your stomach. Then lift yourself by pressing into your feet and hands so that your whole body is horizontal. You’ll feel this in your whole body as you hold it up horizontally. If you feel pain in your stomach or legs, stop and lower yourself back down.

8. Leg Raises (10 reps x 3 sets)- Beginner Gym Workout Female

Leg raises are great for anyone looking to work out their thighs. Do 10 reps with the same weight as you used for the last exercise, and then do it again with 1/2 of the weight you used before. The goal is to increase how much weight you’re lifting every time you do leg raises. This beginner gym workout female strength exercise will work your muscles as they grow and strengthen them more quickly.

Start by lying on your back, with your hands behind your head, and then raise your legs up in the air. Let your knees and legs drop down toward the ground, then bring them back up.


The above beginner gym workout female routines can best be done three days a week. However, if you’re able to do it five days a week, then you’ll have the room to really see results over time. These are all simple exercises that anyone can try, but if you’re completely new to working out, start slow. Remember that muscles need time to grow as well as strength. This means working them out often and not letting them rest too long between workouts.

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