Fun Ways to Exercise – 11 Fun Things to do That Can Be Equated to Exercises

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Fun ways to exercise or stay fit while on the go with a busy schedule: find outdoor activities that can give you a vigorous workout and make your day more energetic.

Most People consider exercising a nightmare since they are yet to discover that there are fun ways to exercise. Millions of people in the United States suffer from a lack of exercise, which can lead to a whole slew of health problems. The good news is that exercising doesn’t have to be miserable — there are plenty of fun ways to exercise. If you want to add some spice to your life, try out one or more of these fun ways to exercise.

1.  Master the Art of Yoga- Fun Ways to Exercise

Yoga is one of the world’s oldest and most popular exercise disciplines. It promotes deep breathing, relaxation techniques, strength building, and flexibility. Yoga is a vigorous form of movement that will strengthen and tone your body as well as enhance your mind and spirit.

Yoga helps people overcome back pain, muscle tension, stress and anxiety, insomnia and other nervous disorders. It also eases blood pressure problems, relieves arthritis pain, improves digestion, and cures headaches.

2. Attend a Dancing Class or just Dance- Fun Ways to Exercise

Dancing is among the excellent fun ways to exercise for your body and brain. It helps to tone and strengthen your heart, lungs and muscles, increase blood circulation, improve balance and coordination, burn calories and promote weight loss. And there’s no better way to dance than in a group class.

There are many different types of dances you can choose from. For instance, ballroom dancing is fun because it’s a social way to get some exercise that also helps you meet people with similar interests. You can also learn the cha-cha, waltz, salsa, mambo, or tango. Whatever your choice, be sure to go about it in a healthy way — don’t overdo it the first time out, and make sure you use good technique.

3. Bike to Work or to a Meeting- Fun Ways to Exercise

Biking is a great way to get in some outdoor exercise. The best part about biking is that it’s a social activity. You can take a friend or co-worker with you, or you can bike alone and meet new people along the way.

Biking is also a very healthy way to exercise. This is so because even at a slow pace you burn calories while building strength in your muscles and joints. You can make bike riding one of your fun ways to exercise by choosing different routes to work, visiting new places, and meeting different people on your bike rides.

4. Dog Walking

Have you ever thought of going for a walk with your dog as a fun way to exercise? Most people don’t take the time to think about that, but walking is actually an excellent aerobic exercise for humans.

And taking your dog for a walk, even if it’s just around the block, can be very beneficial and enjoyable for both of you. Don’t forget to add plenty of fresh air into your life by getting out and walking on the weekends — it’s good for you and your canine.

5. Make Jumping Rope Your Routine

When you think of exercise, you probably don’t picture jumping rope. But jump rope is one of the best fun ways to exercise and get in shape.

Jumping rope helps to increase speed, endurance and coordination, as well as build muscles and tone the body. It also helps to improve circulation and burn calories. Plus, it’s a very inexpensive way to exercise — you probably already own a jump rope.

6. Rock Climbing- Fun Ways to Exercise

Rock climbing is another excellent cardio workout. Unlike other forms of exercise like running, rock climbing doesn’t put too much of an impact on your joints — but you’ll still have a good time.

You can climb at sites such as the San Francisco wall or the nearby Shipley’s Ledge, which are great places to climb and meet new people. And if you don’t have much experience with rock climbing, don’t worry. You can take a class and learn the basics, and most climbing sites have trained guides to help you learn how to rock climb.

7. Swimming- Fun Ways to Exercise

Swimming is among the best fun ways to exercise. It helps you to get in shape while you’re having a great time. Swimming engages your different muscle groups and allows you to maintain an aerobic pace for long periods of time. It also strengthens your heart and lungs, improves your balance and coordination, tones your body, and helps to burn calories.

If you don’t like swimming laps, there are plenty of other ways to enjoy swimming as an exercise form. For instance, you can take a water aerobics class and dance to the beat of your favorite tunes. Or you can race your friends in the pool. Just be sure to warm up before you swim by doing some stretching exercises or gliding on the surface.

8. Hiking with Friends- Fun Ways to Exercise

Hiking is the perfect way to enjoy the outdoors while burning some calories. Hiking not only helps you build endurance, strength, and cardiovascular fitness, it also helps to relieve stress and improve your mental health.

If you don’t like hiking in solitude, you can plan a hike with friends. You can also add some fun ways to each hike by doing a scavenger hunt or taking pictures along the way. Or visit a community park or hiking trail and make new friends as you explore together.

9. Try Paintballing

Paintballing is a great way to feel like you’re on the battlefield while still having fun. It’s a tough workout, and it will also help you to feel confident as you protect yourself from other players.

You’ll have to cover a lot of ground during a game of paintball, so you can get your daily workout as well as some fun. And it’s better to play paintball with friends than strangers, because you have someone to work together with and to help motivate you along the way.

10. Geocaching- Fun Ways to Exercise

Although Geocaching can be among the very fun ways to exercise, it’s also an excellent fitness activity. Geocaching is a game you play by using a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver to hide and seek containers called “geocaches” anywhere in the world.

You can use a handheld GPS to get coordinates to a specific geocache location — and then head off with your friends to hunt for it. The more you play, the more fit you’ll get.

11. Birding

Birding is another fun way to exercise. It’s a type of outdoor adventure that involves birdwatching. And you can use the birds and their calls to help you gain an appreciation for nature, not only as a hobby but also as a way to stay fit.

Birding helps to hone your observation skills, keeps you active, and gives you something fun to do when the weather isn’t great outside. If you don’t know much about birds, take some online classes or join a birding group to learn more about them.


In conclusion, whether you choose to exercise or not is a personal choice that you have to make for yourself. If you choose to exercise, there are plenty of fun ways to exercise. Consider the joys and benefits of exercise and the many additional fun ways to get in shape. And don’t forget: Every step counts.

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