Healthy Hair Food: 7 Best Healthy Hair Food You Should Try

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Keeping your scalp and hair clean is okay, but eating healthy food rounds it all up. However, not everyone knows the best healthy hair food to try.

Eggs, citrus, nuts, and green, leafy vegetables are among the most preferred healthy hair food. However, carrots, avocados, and salmon are ideal for an enviable shine. The list is endless since many foods promote seamless growth and healthy hair development.

This article offers insight into the best healthy hair food you should try.

1. Nuts as Healthy Hair Food

Nuts contain loads of minerals that prevent imminent hair loss. They’re loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and zinc. Besides, they contain selenium, an effective hair-loss treatment that ‘s long been practical for people having hair-loss issues. The best part is that you have a wide assortment of nuts, so you’re spoilt for choice.

2. The Best Nuts as Healthy Hair Food

You can choose from the numerous nuts available, but here are the best options.

  • Chia seeds
  • Brazil nuts
  • Flax seeds
  • Walnuts

3. An Avocado-Rich Meal as a Healthy Hair Food Option

Avocado is a healthy hair food option you need to try if you need a dense and better-looking crowning glory. This fruit contains a rich nutrient supply to make your hair more robust and healthier. It adds a rich biotin (vitamin B7) pack in that your hair needs to be healthy, but it also increases the follicle growth rate. Moreover, avocado contains a rich mineral supply to make your hair more appealing. These include magnesium and potassium, also contributing to shiny and smooth hair that resists breaking. That helps prevent your hair from getting diminished due to breaking when wet, keeping it intact and fixed on the end. That guarantees a denser and more appealing crowning glory.

4. Eggs and Greek Yogurt in The Mix for Hair Growth

Eggs and Greek are perfectly healthy hair food you should always tag along in your meals. Eggs contain a rich vitamin, minerals, and nutrient combo, which isn’t only good enough for your health but ideal for your hair. Besides, this healthy hair food is rich in proteins, a primary compound for giving hair unrivaled vitality. It prevents loss and invigorates its growth, hence ideal for having your dream hair. It’s also known that eggs contain vitamin B7 traces which help facilitate hair follicle growth. You can combine your eggs with Greek yogurt since it contains nutrients that facilitate blood flow in the scalp and promote hair growth.

5. Spinach as a Healthy Hair Food for Brittle Hair

Leafy greens are always wholesome, but spinach works in your hair pretty fine. It’s the perfect healthy hair food sought-after for its remediating properties, and rightly so. Popularly, spinach helps counter hair brittleness, preventing possible breaking and subsequent hair loss. It contains loads of vitamins A, C, and folate. Moreover, it also tags along with some iron and carotene that’ll keep your hair moisturized and glossier. Brittle hair can be annoying, but thanks to this healthy hair food option, you’re all set.

6. Iron-Fortified Cereal for Preventing Hair Loss

Iron is an effective mineral efficient at preventing hair loss. You can find this mineral in various vegetables and foods, but iron-fortified cereal is a healthy hair food option you can use. Iron-fortified cereal contains this mineral as a free element and the body usually quickly absorbs it, offering quicker results. Iron also helps promote quicker hair growth and makes them longer. But that’s not all; it also ensures that your hair strands are robust in length, preventing possible loss. An iron deficiency leads to nagging hair loss, which is everything you dread.

7. Salmon as a Healthy Hair Food Option for a Shine

Salmon makes your hair glossy, hence more appealing. This incredibly healthy hair food has a pack of minerals and fatty acids that offer much-needed rigidity to the hair follicles. The omega-3 fatty acids this food contains also invigorate hair growth, giving you longer and more attractive hair.


Having dense and more attractive hair is possible. However, it’d help if you sorted through the vast volume of healthy hair food to actualize that. Please remember the list of the best foods for the best hair is endless, but we hope our few selected ones will help you get the hair you crave.

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