5 Simple Self Care Tips For Mental Health

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Need self care tips for mental health? Read Dashlegit’s blog to find smart and accessible self care tips that work. Filled with honest advice from a reliable source, find out how to live more effectively.

Living a good life comes with a price. It can be hard to manage, but if you take care of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually by being mindful of your triggers and challenging yourself with new experiences and hobbies you will live happier.

If you don’t want to be stuck in a life of depression and anxiety make sure you take time out for yourself to address your mental health by committing to some self care tips. You can feel better in an instant by changing your perspective and self-care tip. Here are some self care tips for mental health that you can try:

1. Get Enough Sleep- Self care tips for mental health

If you are not getting enough sleep, your body and mind will suffer. Being awake for too long will make you tired, increase your frustration levels, and make your depression worse. When you are sleeping adequately it helps your immune system work properly and your brain get the rest it needs.

Getting the right amount of sleep does not happen overnight though – it takes time to establish a new routine for sleep. To be extra mindful of how much sleep you are getting, write down the amount of hours slept each night on a piece of paper so that way you can keep track of how much sleep you are getting each night.

2. Exercise- Create a schedule for exercise

Exercise is one of the self care tips for mental health that will have you feeling great. Exercise boosts your endorphins, making you feel confident and happy. If you are not exercising though, go out and try it! You don’t need to get a gym membership or any workout products either – all you need is a pair of sneakers to be on your way to getting fit.

Make sure that if you are going for a run outside that you wear clothing that is well-fitting and lightweight in case the weather changes. It can be hard to motivate yourself if you can’t see your progress, but try exercising with a friend or starting a blog so that way you can keep track of how much exercise you are doing and how far along of a runner (or walker) that you have become.

3. Take care of your body- Self care tips for mental health

Your physical health is important for your mental health to thrive. If you are eating well and staying active then your mind will be less stressed and focused on getting food instead of studying or doing work that needs to be done. You don’t need to go overboard with trying new foods in order to have a better diet; all you need to do is stay away from processed foods that are high in sugars but low in nutrients such as fast food and soda.

4. Spend time with loved ones- Self care tips for mental health

Spending time with people that you care about is one of the easy self care tips for mental health you can do. If you are feeling sad or not as happy as usual, be around people that will lift up your spirits. Being around people like this is uplifting and will make you feel happier in an instant. If you are feeling lonely, try being around someone that is sure to make you laugh by telling a good joke or pulling a prank on someone. This kind of humor is sure to cheer up even the loneliest person, but don’t forget to laugh when pranks are played on you too!

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

If you are struggling with self care tips for mental health, do not be afraid to ask someone out of the blue. If you are suffering from stress or depression, knowing that other people understand your pain can help lift you up and make you feel more like yourself again. Be open and honest with people when they are asking you how you are feeling too! If they see that it is getting to be a bigger problem, they will be able to offer suggestions on ways to feel better. Don’t be ashamed about needing help though! Sometimes we just need a little extra push in the right direction in order to start taking care of ourselves mentally.

6. Eat nutritious food- Self care tips for mental health

The importance of eating right is big when it comes to self care tips for mental health. Eating a proper diet helps your body stay alive and function well, which means better focus levels and less stress. Don’t be afraid to eliminate foods that cause you to stress, but you don’t have to eliminate everything – try and eat better instead. If you don’t know how to eat better, try making small changes such as switching your soda to water instead or having a fruit salad instead of French fries.

If you are willing to commit to self care tips for mental health you will be able to feel happier every day, and you can avoid getting stuck in a hole of depression and anxiety. Keeping yourself happy is important, but it is not good enough if you are not feeling like your old self anymore. Take some time out of your day now by reading this article so that way you can start feeling better in no time at all!

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