Travel In Italy Tips: 4 Tips For Comfortable Travel In Italy

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Choose travel in Italy tips & budget to take you around northern Italy. We have curated some of the finest places in Europe.

Travelling in a foreign country can be daunting as it requires adequate preparation. Italy is one of the most famous tourist destination sites that see increased tourist traffic during the peak seasons of May, June, September and October. This is due to Italy’s beautiful scenery, excellent cuisine, unique culture, and friendly environs. Although Italy is a small country, it compensates for its size with its numerous tourist activities. These activities include visiting archaeological sites such as the colosseum, riding a gondola around Venice, visiting the opera and going to the beach. However, before you embark on a trip to Italy, consider the following travel in Italy tips to make the experience better and less stressful.

Travel in Italy Tips Regarding Transport

  • Visit Italy during low tourist seasons. To avoid the large tourist crowds, schedule your travel to Italy during less populated months to enjoy the best Italy experience.
  • Avoid getting in unmarked taxis. Italy has some unscrupulous people who target tourists. Therefore, to ensure your safety, only board legitimate taxis recognizable through their white color and official markings.
  • Dress for comfort. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes to prevent any mishaps and discomfort during travel. Dressing for comfort will allow you to participate in fun activities such as hiking and cycling.
  • Validate your train ticket before boarding the train. There are booths at the train stations where you can validate your ticket. Having an unvalidated ticket can result in hefty fines in Italy.
  • Get an international driving permit. If you want to rent a car when in Italy, acquire an international driving permit which will allow you to drive legally in Italy.
  • Always check the color of the parking lines. In Italy, different color parking lines have different meanings. White represents free parking, yellow marked parking lines are reserved for local residents, and blue parking lines require you to pay to access the parking slot.

Travel in Italy Tips Regarding Accommodation

  • Book your accommodation early. This will allow you to get affordable accommodation in scenic locations and prevent the hassle of acquiring accommodation once you arrive in Italy.
  • Read and understand the accommodation rules of the hotel. Hotels in Italy have strict rules they expect the occupants to abide by, such as the number of room occupants.
  • You have to pay city tax. In addition to footing the accommodation bill, you must pay the separate city tax, usually charged per person per night.
  • Air conditioning is not standard in Italy. Most places in Italy lack air conditioning units; therefore, double-check with your hotel if they offer air conditioning.
  • Inquire about the tap water. In most cases, it is perfectly fine to drink tap water. However, it is best to ask if the tap water in the hotel is safe for drinking.

Travel in Italy Tips Regarding Food and Cuisine

  • There is no tipping culture in Italy. Therefore, give the servers what you believe is appropriate and don’t feel guilty if you don’t leave a tip.
  • Ask for the bill after you finish your meal. Italians respect food and dining experience. It is considered rude to wait for the server to bring you the bill without asking.
  • Don’t ask for tap water in restaurants. Serving bottled water is the norm for the Italian dining experience.
  • Expect delayed meal times. Italians prefer to have late dinners, at least 7:30 pm. If you are used to earlier meal times, having a light snack before dinner will keep you satisfied.
  • Be open to trying out new foods. Italy has a very rich and diverse cuisine you would benefit from exploring.

Travel In Italy Tips to Keep You Safe

  • Beware of pickpockets. Keep your valuables away from your back pockets and your bag within your sight line, especially in crowded places.
  • Always have your ID with you. You may be stopped randomly by police in Italy and asked to produce your identification document.
  • Learn Italian, especially simple Italian phrases. This will help you communicate with relevant people during emergencies.
  • Always keep an eye on your credit card. Leaving your card unsupervised can cause your card information to be copied and money stolen from your account.

Take Away

Visiting Italy can be dampened by your unpreparedness and the culture shock experienced. Travel in Italy tips will help you best plan your visit so that you can enjoy Italy without disruptions. Moreover, travel in Italy tips will help you save money on accommodation and transport while ensuring your safety is maximized. If you are planning to visit Italy, follow travel in Italy tips to ensure you have the best time.

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